Dogs Not Allowed
Dogs Not Allowed
September 23, 2021
A chairde,
The issue of dogs in the club was raised in our last club committee meeting. It was noted that there has been a very large increase in the number of dogs being brought into the club grounds over the past number of months, and more.
There have been several instances in recent weeks where dog faeces had to be removed from the playing surfaces. This presents a hygiene issue to all who are using them, players or otherwise. It also creates a slip hazard which can lead to serious injury.
Some boys and girls, and indeed some adults, do not find the friendliest dog in the world a joy to meet. Some children are afraid of them and are entitled to come and use the club facilities without having to deal with a dog’s presence and be afraid. This has happened too by the way.
A motion was proposed and adopted to promote the already existing club rule that dogs are not permitted in the club grounds, whether on a lead or otherwise. To this end, over the coming weekend starting 24th September, we will be promoting this message by putting up some new signs and also changing the location of some of the existing ones so that they are more conspicuous and can be easily read and understood.
Also, please note that people who attend with dogs, whether on leads or not, will be asked to take them out.
We hope you understand and ask for your cooperation with this.
Thank you.